Artificial Intelligence in App Development | Buzinga

Discover powerful customer insights
by integrating Artificial Intelligence
into your app.

From speech recognition, OCR, expert systems & machine learning,
we develop next generation mobile applications to help you
revolutionise the way you engage with your customers.

“Investment in AI is set to triple.” – Forrester

Artificial Intelligence is no longer a sci-fi narrative. It is the biggest opportunity businesses have in revolutionising organisational structure and processes.

Sadly, only 40% of businesses collect customer insights from mobile and web apps, resulting in wasted data and untapped gold mines.  AI is set to drive faster business decisions, whilst customer context is set to become a minimum expectation in mobile experience and business transformation.

AI excels when it’s embedded into applications to enhance the user experience, with companies like Google, IBM and Facebook leading the way in product development.

Why Artificial Intelligence?

  1. Liberate your data: Gather powerful ‘Big Data’ insights never before attainable in the history of your business to transform your organisation into an ‘insights driven’ market disruptor.
  2. Reduce your marketing spend: Artificial Intelligence will help you predict consumer behaviour and create deeper, contextual ‘mobile moments’ for your customers, removing the need for the marketing ‘guessing game’.
  3. Transform your business: Gain unfair competitive advantage by using Artificial Intelligence to make strategic, insight-driven mobile decisions.
User Journey Mapping

Journey mapping & strategic planning.

To ensure we build and design the best product for your end user, we begin by workshopping the key objectives of the project. Then, we step into the shoes of your user and map out the journey from ‘awareness’ all the way to ‘engaged customer’.

Rapid Prototyping

User engagement optimisation.

Our design team will create a prototype for the purpose of testing and garnering feedback from real people. We’ll then incorporate that feedback into the development of your mobile application to ensure the final result is the best it can be.

Steel Drive

Award winning solutions.

Whether it’s mobile, web or a wearable tech application, we pride ourselves on delivering spectacular outcomes. Buzinga is known for its award winning solutions, and we look forward to bringing this level of thinking to your project.

The George Institute for Global Health


“Since 2014, TGI has been working closely with Buzinga on the technical development for the
FoodSwitch mobile app, preparing it for release in several countries including Australia, the UK, China and India. Buzinga
have and continue to provide a dynamic team that strive to deliver ongoing development to the FoodSwitch app.”

Contact us.

We work incredibly hard to make sure our customer’s
apps are successful, and we’ll do the same for you.
All our conversations are confidential and your IP
is in good hands.

Get in touch and find out how we can help.